This is part of a prayer that goes step-by-step through different layers of emotional baggage. These layers of baggage interfere with your confidence, comfort, and connection in daily life.

Lord, I choose to forgive those who have harmed me.  I release them from my judgment and release them to You.  Please give me Your wisdom about these people.

I repent for any resentments I have  harbored against them, knowingly or unknowingly. I put Your cross  between me and them to break any unhealthy attachment that remains in my heart, mind, body, or spirit.  I ask you to remove all the effects of these sins committed against me or by me.  By the power of Your shed blood, I break and reject all of their judgments against my value or worth. From now on, I live in Your truth about my value, dignity, and destiny.

I renounce any vows I have made not to feel, not to trust, or not to hope.  I renounce any false beliefs or judgments that I have accepted from others about myself.  I renounce all of the lies that I once accepted that I am ____________________________ taken on from loss, rejection, or pain.

I renounce judgments I have made against men, women, people, life, or even You, Lord.   Please forgive me and remove the layers of judgment I have accepted over myself and others.  Thank You for Your shed blood that cleanses me and frees me to see things clearly.

I renounce death wishes against myself or others.  Please forgive me for my sins and remove the effects from my heart, mind, body, and relationships.

I release to You any pain that I carry in my heart, mind, or body.  I give You  permission to remove the layers of anger, hurt, shame, fear, unhealthy pride, resentment, self pity, or guilt that I have carried.  I release those toxic emotions into Your body on the cross where You voluntarily took this pain for me.

I renounce judgments I have made against men, women, people, life, or even You, Lord.   Please forgive me and remove the layers of judgment I have accepted over myself and others.  Thank You for Your shed blood that cleanses me and frees me to see clearly.

In the Name of Jesus, I ask You to break all unhealthy bonds to loss, trauma, or rejection. I ask You, Lord, to break any deep, hidden connections I have made between You and harsh authority figures, parents, spouses, or people who have expected too much and given back too little to me.  (Name those people the Lord shows you.)  Lord, You are NOT a flawed human being that you should lie to me, use me, neglect me, or get tired of me.  You love me more than I love myself.  I repent for the things I have projected onto You that began with other people or within myself.

I ask You to fill every dark, empty, or wounded place in my soul with Your love that casts out fear, Your peace that calms me, the faith that You want good things for me, discernment to  love wisely, and the promise that in You my future is brighter than my past.

Show me what to let go of and what to pursue.  Give me a heart of wisdom!  Please knit me back together as You intended me to be: fully alive in body, soul, and spirit.  Please enable me to love You, myself, and others with a whole heart.

I ask you to fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Your resurrection life to be fully alive in this new season.  Show me, Lord, anything else You want me to know or see  today.   Thank You, Lord, that it is Your will that I be fully alive in You without baggage.

Taken from my book “Life Without Baggage”  pages 46-47.