It’s often necessary, when we have suffered a significant loss or stress, to reevaluate how we have been coping. Habits and allegiances that worked in the past might not fit the new terrain of life.  When our circumstances change we often need new strategies. Some things we carried with us in the past, that seemed to work great, may actually become baggage that weighs us down.

God offers us His wisdom for each step of every mile. Even though our circumstances change, God never changes or shifts His character of love and mercy. He is stable even though the events on earth are not. He can help us evaluate:
 Relationships that need to shift.
 Priorities that need attention.
 Renewed attention to aspects of my spirit, soul, or body.
 Situations and ties that have become weights holding me back.
 Habits that are dominating my life.
 New habits and connections that would help me advance on this next part of the journey.

Hebrews 12:1b-2a Let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with confidence the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.

Psalm 119:130 The unfolding of Your words gives light: It gives understanding to the simple.

Just as flexibility is necessary in the movement of our physical bodies, so willingness to shift our attitudes mentally is sometimes necessary to move through difficulties and stresses. If we have already made up our own minds about what we are going to do, then God may not interfere with our plans. He isn’t likely to speak to us if we’re not willing to listen.

We each have a limited number of hours in a day. We only have so much time, energy, and affection to invest in daily life. God can give you His perspective of how to best choose your focus in a way that is beneficial to you and pleasing to Him in the long run.

As you get to know God better, as you read His word, and as you let yourself rest in His companionship, He will speak to your spirit. He will use His word and your willing heart to teach you His wisdom for moving forward. In Christ, you have access to His supernatural wisdom and strategies to move through obstacles (Colossians 2:3). He will help you understand what is good, what is wise, and what is problematic for you at this place in your life.

This is taken from my book, “Insights Into Faith.”